Seven-year periods

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The essential members of man develop in seven-year periods. When a human being is born, all his or her members are already predisposed, but only mature at a certain age. At first they are only bestowed upon the human being; little by little he must first bring them to maturity and thereby make them completely his own, i.e. adapt them to his very specific individuality. This further maturation takes place in approximately seven-year periods.

„Of course, the time indications given are more or less approximate. With one person the thing comes a little earlier, with another a little later; and all the indications of the number seven are not real indications, but only approximate indications.“ (Lit.:GA 307, p. 79)

With the change of teeth around the age of 7, the basic form of the individual physical body is formed. With sexual maturity around the age of 14, the formation of the independent etheric body is completed and the astral body is born as an independent member of the human being. These stages of life are very distinctive because of the corresponding strong changes that the human body undergoes. The developmental steps that follow later are no longer so clearly reflected in bodily changes. From the 21st year of life, with the birth of the independent I, the man works on his three mental, and from the 42nd year of life on the three higher spiritual members of his being.

The development of the microcosm of the human members as a reflection of the macrocosm

The temporal development of the members of man as a microcosm is under the influence of the macrocosm. If one directs attention in particular to the effect of the planetary spheres, the following elementary connection arises, in which the occult order of the planets is reflected:

Physical body 0 - 7 years Moon
Etheric body 7- 14 years Mercury
Astral body 14 - 21 years Venus
Sentient soul
I Intellectual or mind soul 21 - 42 years Sun
Consciousness soul
Spirit self 42 - 49 years Mars
Life spirit 49 - 56 years Jupiter
Spirit man 56 - 63 years Saturn

However, one must not take this assignment schematically. From another point of view, which reaches from the Earth up to the zodiac and beyond to the so-called crystal heaven, there is a completely different connection: During the first seventh year of life, the forces of the Sun work on the human being and form his independent etheric body. In the second seventh year, the forces of the Moon are added, forming the astral body. Then, until about the age of 21, the much more subtle forces of the other planets of the planetary system are at work, which are much more difficult to notice. Up to the age of twenty-eight, the constellations of the fixed stars still have an effect that is hardly observable. But then development comes up against a fixed limit, the rightly named crystal heaven. From now on, the human being can no longer draw any forces from the cosmos for his development, but must from now on process on his own what he has absorbed so far. Precisely because of this, however, the human being can only now really develop his independent self. (Lit.:GA 318, p. 59f)

Physical body 0 - 7 years Sun
Etheric body 7- 14 years Moon
Astral body 14 - 21 years Planets
Sentient Soul 21 - 28 years Fixed stars
Intellectual or mind soul |I 28 - 35 years crystal heaven as natural developmental boundary
Consciousness soul 35 - 42 years
Spirit self 42 - 49 years
Life spirit 49 - 56 years
Spirit man 56 - 63 years

„Now you see, the human being is active within himself in the first seven years of life with the forces of the sun, in the second seven years of life with the forces of the moon. The solar force remains, but the lunar forces are mixed with it. In the third seven years of life, from sexual maturity until the twenties, the much finer forces of the other planets of the planetary system are absorbed into the human being. Then the other planetary forces appear in the human being in the process of growth, and because these have a weaker, much weaker effect than the sun and moon on the human being, the things that the human being then absorbs are much less outwardly visible. We no longer notice as strongly as we did in the early twenties - while the planetary forces are still at work in the human body between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one - how in the early twenties these forces begin to work in the soul-spiritual sphere. It is the planetary forces which begin to work in the soul-spirit, and he who has insight then looks at man in such a way that he notices in this strange transformation which man experiences in the beginning of the twenties: up to now only the sun and moon have spoken out of human activity, now this solar and lunar activity modifies the planetary forces. The crude procedure of men, the crude observation, has even quite little sense for envisaging this transformation, but it is there.

Now you see, it is true that for those who observe man in relation to health and disease, knowledge of these connections is necessary. For what do we really know of man, let us say in his eleventh or twelfth year, if we do not know then that the lunar forces are at work in him?

But now the question will arise within: What is the next step? Later on, even if the parts to be renewed become smaller and smaller, man must also renew things later on. Now you see, up to the twenty-first, twenty-second year, the sun, the moon, the planetary system successively work into human growth. Then, up to the twenty-eighth year of life, the constellations of the fixed stars still have an effect; so this is already very much beyond observation. It is only with the wisdom of the Mysteries that one sees the whole fixed star system playing into the human being between the beginning of his twenties and the end of his twenties. Then the world becomes hard. It no longer wants to work its way into the human being; the world becomes hard. Of this peculiar relationship of man to the world in his twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth year of life, that the world becomes hard, modern science hardly knows anything any more. Aristotle still taught it to Alexander by telling him: "Then, as a human being, you come up against the crystal sky; it is hard. - This is how the crystal sky, which is outside the sphere of the fixed stars, acquires its meaning, its reality, for human perception. With this, one begins to realise that man no longer finds any powers in the universe when he is at the end of his twenties in order to renew. Why then do we not die at the age of twenty-eight? This world that surrounds us actually lets us die at twenty-eight. It is true that whoever sees the connection between man and the world now looks out into the world with the consciousness: O world, you will actually only sustain me until the end of my twenties! - But it is precisely by realising this that one begins to understand man properly in his essential nature.“ (Lit.:GA 318, p. 59f)

In his course on curative education, Rudolf Steiner showed yet another perspective, again starting from the connection of the members of the being with the planetary spheres, but this time also including the two outer planets Uranus and Neptune:

Spirit Man Neptune
Spirit of Life , Uranus
Spirit Self Saturn
Consciousness Soul Jupiter
Mind Soul Mars
Sentient Soul Venus
Sentient Body Mercury
Etheric Body Moon
Physical body Sun

„Take the human being for instance. We divide him into the physical body, the etheric body, the sentient body, which we bring into connection with the sentient soul, the intellect soul, what the Greeks call the power soul, the consciousness soul, and here we come to the spirit self, life spirit and spirit man. Now, you see, if you look at these members of human nature, at first they turn out to be something that must be regarded in relative independence and that composes the human being. But actually the composition is different in every human being: One has a little more strength in the etheric body, but less in the physical body, another a little more strength in the consciousness soul, and so on. In all this there is the human being with his actual individuality, which passes through the repeated earth-lives, who must first bring this whole connection into an individual regulation from the principle of freedom. But that which comes from the cosmic depends on the human being in such a way that to the physical corresponds the strongest solar effect, which has a strong influence on human beings in general. To the etheric body correspond the strongest lunar effects, to the sentient body the strongest Mercury effects, to the sentient soul the strongest Venus effects. To the intellectual soul correspond the strongest Mars effects, to the consciousness soul the Jupiter effects, to the spiritual self Saturn. And that which is not yet developed in man today comes to the fore in Uranus and Neptune, these are, after all, the vagabonds who joined our planetary system later, so with them we have to look for the planetary influences which, under normal circumstances, do not actually have a very strong influence on the birth constellation.“ (Lit.:GA 317, p. 171f)


References to the work of Rudolf Steiner follow Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works (CW or GA), Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach/Switzerland, unless otherwise stated.
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Rudolf Steiner Archive - The largest online collection of Rudolf Steiner's books, lectures and articles in English.
Rudolf Steiner Audio - Recorded and Read by Dale Brunsvold - Anthroposophic Press Inc. (USA)
Rudolf Steiner Handbook - Christian Karl's proven standard work for orientation in Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works for free download as PDF.