Nuclear forces
The nuclear forces are those fundamental forces of physics that are of crucial importance for the internal cohesion and behaviour of atomic nuclei. Currently, two types of nuclear forces are distinguished:
- The strong nuclear force, also called the strong interaction, which is supposed to explain the bonding between the quarks in the hadrons and between the nucleons in the atomic nucleus.
- The weak nuclear force, also called weak interaction, which is mainly involved in the decay (→ beta decay) or transformation of particles. Today, the weak interaction is described together with quantum electrodynamics (the quantum field theory description of electromagnetism) of the unified theory of the electroweak interaction.

The extent to which the two or possibly only one of these nuclear forces can be identified with the so-called third force mentioned by Rudolf Steiner, which, along with electricity and magnetism, is one of the forces of the sub-sensible world, has not been clarified. Electricity arises when the forces of the light ether are thrust into the sub-sensory reflection of the astral world, which is the realm of Lucifer. Magnetism appears when the sound ether forces are pushed down into the subphysical lower Devachan, which is ruled by Ahriman. The third force occurs when the life ether is pushed down into the realm of the Asuras, which is the sub-physical reflection of the upper Devachan:
„In the world there are a number of substances that are connectable and separable. What we call chemism is projected into the physical world from the world of Devachan, the harmony of the spheres. So that in the connection of two substances according to their atomic weights we have the shadowing of two tones of the harmony of the spheres. The chemical relationship of two substances in the physical world is a shadowing from the world of the harmony of the spheres. The numerical relations of chemistry are really the expressions for the numerical relations of the harmony of the spheres. This latter has become mute through the condensation of matter. If one were really able to bring the substances to the etheric dilution and to perceive the atomic numbers as an inwardly forming principle, one would hear the harmony of the spheres. One has the physical, the astral world, the lower Devachan and the upper Devachan. Now if you push a body down even further than to the physical world, you come to the sub-physical world, the sub-astral world, the lower or bad lower devachan and the lower or bad upper devachan. The bad astral world is the realm of Lucifer, the bad lower devachan is the realm of Ahriman and the bad upper devachan is the realm of the Asuras. If you push chemism even further down than under the physical plan, into the bad lower devachanic world, magnetism arises, and if you push light into the sub-material, that is, one step lower than the material world, electricity arises. If we push that which lives in the harmony of the spheres still further down to the Asuras, then there is a still more terrible force which will not be able to be kept secret much longer. One must only wish that when this power comes, which we must imagine to be much, much stronger than the strongest electrical discharges, and which will come at any rate - then one must wish that before this power is given to humanity by an inventor, men will have nothing more immoral about them!“ (Lit.:GA 130, p. 102f)
- Andrew G. van Melsen: From Atomos to Atom: The History of the Concept Atom. Translated by Henry J. Koren. Dover Publications (2004) [1952]. ISBN 0-486-49584-1.
- Annie Besant, Charles Webster Leadbeater: Occult Chemistry. A Series of Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements. Theosophical Publishing Society, London and Benares City 1908
- Georg Unger: On Nuclear Energy and the Occult Atom, The Anthroposophic Press 1982, ISBN 0-88010-010-9
- Rudolf Steiner: Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit, GA 130 (1995), ISBN 3-7274-1300-X English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
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References to the work of Rudolf Steiner follow Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works (CW or GA), Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach/Switzerland, unless otherwise stated.
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