Josef Rolletschek

Josef Rolletschek (also Josef Rollet, * 1859 in Gießaus in the municipality of Liberk; † 1934 in Weimar) was an Austrian painter who is considered a representative of the Weimar School of painting.
Josef Rolletschek studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague under František Sequens from 1883 to 1890. From 1890, he lived in the artists' home in Weimar and studied from 1891 to 1896 at the Grand Ducal Saxon School of Art in Weimar under Carl Frithjof Smith.
Rolletschek was a friend of Rudolf Steiner, the later founder of anthroposophy, and painted his portrait. Rolletschek also wrote the book "Was sich die Blumen erzählen und Anderes". In addition to his own works, Rolletschek created several copies of old portraits of prominent personalities, including Friedrich II of Prussia after the original by Anna Rosina de Gasc and Anna Amalia of Prussia after the original by Angelika Kaufmann.
His paintings can be found in the collections of the Stadtmuseum Weimar and the National Gallery in Prague, among others.
- Was sich die Blumen erzählen und Anderes. Wigand, Leipzig/Berlin 1904
- Wolfgang G. Vögele (ed.): Der andere Rudolf Steiner. Augenzeugenberichte, Interviews, Satiren. Pforte, Dornach 2005, ISBN 3-85636-158-8, S. 64ff.