Christian Clement

Christian Clement (* 1968) did not attend a Waldorf school before then working as a Waldorf teacher for several years. He studied philosophy, music and education at the Spandau Church Music School and then at the University of Hamburg. After completing the 1st and 2nd state examinations, further studies and a doctorate followed at the University of Utah.
Christian Clement currently teaches German and German literature at the Mormon-run Brigham Young University in Provo. His research interests include apocalypticism and aesthetic theory, theatre as a mystery site, Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophy. He is currently working on the Critical Edition (SKA) of Rudolf Steiner's writings, initially planned for 8 volumes. In the introductions and in the commentaries of the text-critical edition he tries to do justice to the development and transformation of Steiner's work through what he calls the "genetic-morphological" method. At the same time, he throws an illuminating light on the unbroken continuity in the development of Steiner's thought and its organic connection with Western intellectual history. His approach corresponds to the "sympathetic empiricism" proposed by Arthur Versluis (* 1959) of Michigan State University, who is intensively engaged in esoteric research at the scientific level, and unites a sympathetic insider perspective (emic) with the neutral objective external perspective (etic).
- »Das Ich in der Erkenntnis. Rudolf Steiner und Rene Descartes« in: Thomas Kracht u.a. (Hg.), Erkennen und Wirklichkeit. Zum Studium der „Philosophie der Freiheit“. Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart 2001.
- »Die Geburt des Modernen Mysteriendramas aus dem Geiste Weimars«. Dissertation, Salt Lake City 2005. Logos, Berlin 2007 ISBN 9783832516451
- »Berlin Alexanderplatz als moderne Apokalypse«, Else Lasker Schüler Jahrbuch der klassischen Moderne (2009)
- »Märchen und Apokalypse« New German Review (2010).
- »Offenbares Geheimnis oder Geheime Offenbarung.— Goethes Märchen und die Apokalypse« Goethe Yearbook (2010).
- »Rudolf Steiner’s Theatre of Spiritual Realism« in: David Gallacher (Hg.), Weimar Classicism. Studies in Goethe, Schiller, Forster, Berlepsch, Wieland, Herder, and Steiner. Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
- »Apokalyptik als Reflexionsfläche ästhetischer Theorie in Andreas Gryphius „Catharina von Georgien“« Monatshefte (2012).
- »Von Patmos nach Bayreuth. Apokalyptik und Androgynität in Richard Wagners ›Parsifal‹« Seminar (2013).
- as editor
- Rudolf Steiner: Schriften. Kritische Ausgabe (SKA), 8 Bände, ISBN 978 3 7728 2630 6
- Rudolf Steiner: Ausgewähle Schriften, Kritische Ausgabe (SKA) - herausgegeben von Christian Clement im frommann-holzboog Verlag.
- Rudolf Steiner Online Archiv - mit Volltextsuche im Gesamtwerk.
- Interview mit Christian Clement zum Start der neuen Zeitschrift "Steiner Studies"